1 Piece of Advice for Busy Moms

Melissa A. Rowe, MEd
2 min readMay 12, 2024

“You gotta take care of YOU!”

I remember looking at the nurse wondering if she had worked too many shifts.

Here I was standing next to my full-term infant in NICU and her best advice was to take care of myself?

How, would I even begin to do that?

My daughter was being treated by four different medical teams for all the complications she experienced during birth — seizure, stroke, blood clots, dismal blood sugar levels.

And, I was commuting into the hospital everyday, relying on my parents to drive me in the mornings and my husband to pick me up in the evening.

Except for the nights of an impending snow storm. Then, I was lucky enough to be granted a room where I could sleep over.

All in the midst of the pandemic.

But, she was serious. As she checked my sutures from the c-section (because I never made my post-natal appointment with my OB/GYN). She was letting me in on a lesson a lot mothers learn too late.

If you don’t take care of you, everyone loses.

All the people you love.

All the people who are depending on you.

And most importantly YOU.

This has totally shifted my perspective on parenting.

I’ve learned to incorporate my daughter into the healthy activities that I enjoy. She eats balanced meals that serve my nutrition goals because I don’t have time to prepare multiple meals for one sitting.

Beyond that, I find time to do the things that help me feel whole — writing, dancing, and counseling.

And if you’re a busy mom, here are 4 ways to start taking care of you:

1. Practice self-compassion and remind yourself that you’re doing your best — every day. Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations.

2. Surround yourself with a supportive community of other mothers who understand your challenges. Spend more time with people who offer assistance over judgement.

3. Revive the routines and practices that were key to your identity before motherhood. Carve out space to do the things that make you feel alive. Even if it means waking up earlier or fitting them in in short bursts.

4. Focus on your strengths as a mother and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Parenting is 24/7 task. It gets better with practice.

We need you healthy and whole.

Let me know, in the comments, what advice you would add to this list.



Melissa A. Rowe, MEd

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