High Schools Suck at Getting Students College Success, Pt.4

Melissa A. Rowe, MEd
5 min readApr 28, 2024
Photo by Sam Balye on Unsplash

Schools aren’t created equal. But, how many parents know that a school’s insufficiency can cost them tens of thousands of dollars in college costs?

This is the third reason schools suck at getting students college success — under-performing high schools create an invisible barrier to more competitive colleges.

If your child attends a high school that lacks a rigorous curriculum, robust extra-curricular options, and dedicated staff trained in college prep, the likelihood of them getting access to some of the top colleges in the country is slim. And, it’s these selective and highly selective schools that offer some of the best financial aid packages for middle income families.

Think about this.

Every year college admission officers travel the country or their geographic regions, attending college fairs and visiting high schools where they think there are enough promising students to make the visit worth their time.

For the most selective colleges — Ivy leagues and highly selective colleges — they host invitation based information sessions for school counselors in the region.

But, if your child attends a high school that’s not offering a true college prep course of study, doesn’t have students scoring strongly on…



Melissa A. Rowe, MEd

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